Hi, my name is Kristin and I would like to start by thanking you sincerely for inquiring about my product: TripTrays.

My husband and I have four daughters who live all over the United States, while we continue to live in Sacramento, California.

I have to tell you, I have been dreaming about this idea for years (and I do mean years!) and after some serious “what-the-heck are you waiting for?” from my dearest friends, I decided to have a little faith and courage. Now that I have TripTrays out in the world, I hope you enjoy them as much as my family and friends do!
Safe travels…

- Kristin Enes, Founder of TripTrays, Inc.


Watch Our Interview on Good Day Sacramento!

Worried about germs where you sit, snack, and work in flight? Here's the solution: TripTrays! See how you can help protect yourself from germs and bacteria.